Monday, August 12, 2013

Restaurant Review: Chae Sun Dang (Yulha Location)

     Shabu-Shabu (샤부 샤부 or 샤브) is a very popular three-course Korean dish (that they got from Japan, who got it from China, who got it from Mongolia. Who knows how many spin-offs and iterations exist now.) and restaurants can be found all over Korea. We went to Chae Sun Dang in Yulha to get some shabu-shabu for lunch.

     They had two versions of the menu, one was huge with giant pictures of everything that they had, and another that was on the table which was smaller and easier to take a picture of. The information was the same on both menus and we were happy to see lunch time discounts in place. I went ahead and translated it for you to check out. Keep in mind that prices are per person.


     We ordered the Spicy Mushroom Shab for three people.

     You can see our bounty. How this works is, you have a broth (ours was spicy) that you add whatever it is you ordered (beef, vegetables, and mushrooms in our case) to make your own DIY soup dish. You can use your chopsticks to dip the meat pieces into the broth individually like fondue or just dump a bunch in and pick it out and eat it. Don’t forget to eat it with some vegetables too! And use your dipping sauces! One dip was a wasabi soy sauce and the other was a spicy sweet chili sauce. We went ahead and just dumped everything in together except for some vegetables that we saved for Round 2.

This is a communal thing so don't be afraid to dive right in.

     Once the meat is gone you want to add whatever vegetables you have left with the fresh noodles to get ready for the second course. The broth will have taken on a nicer fuller flavor from the meat and vegetables that were cooked in it before and the flour from the noodles will serve to thicken it up even as the noodles absorb it. After a few minutes you’ll find that your broth has transformed into a delicious noodle soup.

      But wait, there’s more! After you have finished the noodles you add rice and an egg to the little super delicious concentrated soup that remains to create a kind of porridge
() (if you use a lot of soup) or fried rice (if you use very little soup).


     At this point in time you should be stuffed to capacity and getting up to pay your bill, which was 27,000 won for us. Wow, for a meal like that for three people it’s hard to beat that price!


 Final Review: 4/5    Chae Sun Dang has some of the best Shabu Shabu that I've had yet.

  (About the review score)

 Location: Chae Sun Dang is just a five minute walk south from Singi Station. Here's a map.

View Dumb in Daegu in a larger map

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